
A better place to ask this sort of question is on the new forum:

Alternatively, you can always ask 4D Australasia tech support.

Quoting from the docs:
Since version 11 of 4D, it is recommended to manage drag and drop
operations using the On Begin Drag Over event and the commands of the
Pasteboard theme.
This command is deprecated starting with 4D v17 R4 and should no longer be used.

I used it a lot as well, so it required a bit of reconfiguring.

The best documentation is in the introduction to the topic:



On Sun, 13 Sep 2020 at 14:06, Keith Goebel via 4D_Tech
<> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I’m upgrading a structure to v18 (Win) and am trying to replace the obsolete 
> command
> _O_DRAG AND DROP PROPERTIES($Source_Object_p;$Source_Element_l;$Process_ID_l)
> with the v18 equivalent for the purposes of handling drag and drop between 
> two array based list boxes.
> An element in either listbox can be dragged to the other listbox and, upon 
> dropping, have the source listbox and dragged element number checked for 
> correctness and processed relevantly.
> I have checked the documentation for Language Ref, Deprecated or Removed 
> Features, Pasteboard theme, and KnowledgeBase but can find no explanations or 
> examples anywhere that tell me how to identify the dragged source listbox and 
> element.
> I can’t find any v18 demo db that mentions drag and drop in its name.
> I’m sure must be an easy way to do it but I just can’t find it.
> Can anyone point me in the direction of the info I need to accomplish the 
> equivalent of the old command?
> TIA, Keith
> PS: I know about the new 4D NUG list but it doesn’t work well on my old Mac 
> and I still see some activity on this one.
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