
Many thanks for the answers and the tips, it was very helpful.

I followed up on all the tips and tricks

        • “./“ Yes and no
        • $MyShellScript.sh 
                - hard coded in BBedit
                - created in 4D 
                - chmod 755 $MyShellScript.sh 
        • Prepare POSIX-Pathname with Escape-Routines from Chip (Thanks) and 

        • shorten the depth of the path
                $FoDoPath:=System folder(Desktop)
                $FoDoPath:=Convert path system to POSIX($FoDoPath)
                $cmd:=$FoDoPath+"imagesnap -w 2.0”

What ever I tried it would not work when called via LEP but always works direct 
in the terminal.

Since I use other terminal (UNIX) executable stored in the resource folder, I 
guess there is something wrong with “imagesnap”.

Since Keisukes Cupturev2-Plugin does not work either on Catalina and 4Dv18, so 
I have to cancel that security feature for the Mac-Version of the application. 
This is the first time in 30 years that I have to do this for the Mac-side, 
otherwise it always was the Windows-side with this kind of problems.

Now something almost unrelated.

If you guys ever need to get the public IP-Address here are some suggestions:

Mac & Windows (result will be returned into $StdOut)

$cmd:="curl ifconfig.me”
$cmd:="curl icanhazip.com”

Wndows ONLY

$cmd:="curl icanhazip.com | clip” // writes the result to the clipboard 

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