that will happen if you upgrade a structure file, then upgrade its data file, 
and try to use the 2 files.

that is not allowed.

you must either migrate both the structure and the data to v11+ at the same 
time, or
use the already upgraded v11+ structure file to migrate the pre-v11 data file, 
place the catalog file generated during the initial migration next to the data 
file when performing the 2nd migration for data.

the way it works is that during a migration to v11+, a new UUID is assigned to 
the structure file and its data file.
that means if you perform a migration more than once, each file will have a 
different UUID assigned.
when you open a pre-v11 data file using a post-v11 structure file, the data 
file will inherit its UUID from the structure file so there no problem.
you have a problem when the files are converted independent of each other.
to explicitly assign a UUID that was issue during an earlier migration  you 
must place the catalog file next to the data file.

if you still have the data file that is not converted yet, you can use the 
desired structure file or a catalog file to assign the same UUID.
if you have already made significant changed and a retry is not an option, you 
are in trouble.

I made a simple tool to directly over write the UUID but it is a last resort.

The structure and data files do not correspond to each other. The data file 
cannot be opened with this structure.

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