>> It is time for 4D to declare in detail what direction the kangaroo is
hoping to give people the chance to make the right decision on time.

That train left the station a long time ago. It's as done as the Power PC.
4D has clearly stated binary will be supported for the foreseeable future
but new features are only coming to Project mode.

So if your app runs in binary, primarily on windows machines and you don't
have any need of the shinny new tools and features you can rock on without

Otherwise you need to learn a new language. Could be ORDA and Project mode
or could be something else but either way you have to learn something new.

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 5:59 AM Jörg Knebel via 4D_Tech <
4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

> G’day,
> Having watched the "4D World Tour Live 2021”, downloaded the V19 material
> and checked it and browsed that 4D-Web-Forum, especially
> https://discuss.4d.com/t/adding-field-or-variable-not-working/20963 <
> https://discuss.4d.com/t/adding-field-or-variable-not-working/20963>
> started by Tom Dillon with the interesting remark from a responder about
> some “modern project format”…
> Those 4D still claims, in a marketing and/or reality capacity, to have an
> IDE (Integrated Development Environment)?
> To me it looks like that Xcode, MS-Visual-Studio and some additional
> Editors are mandatory now to create a working application with/in 4D if one
> mistakenly starts the development in project mode where so much “doesn’t
> really make sense anymore” according to a post on the mentioned forum.
> It is time for 4D to declare in detail what direction the kangaroo is
> hoping to give people the chance to make the right decision on time.
> Cheers
> Jörg
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Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA
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