
! recently discovered this while investigating a particularly transient bug => If I delete a record which was part of an entity selection and then create a new one, that replaces the deleted one in the entity selection.

I can't see anything in the developer docs which explains this, but posting here before I submit a bug report in case it's actually supposed to be a feature!

I've tried in v17.1 and v19R6 - same results in both.


C_OBJECT ($esSyncOuts) // or var $esSyncOuts : Object  (or cs.sync_outSelection) - makes no difference

  // clear any records from previously running this code!
READ WRITE([sync_out])
READ ONLY([sync_out])

// create a record with known ID with lowest possible sequence
CREATE RECORD([sync_out])
[sync_out]ID:="AAAA" // UUID key field
[sync_out]sequence:=0 // Integer
SAVE RECORD([sync_out])

// create ordered entity selection, with new record as the first one
ALERT($esSyncOuts[0].ID)  // AAAA as expected

// delete the newly added record - $esSyncOuts[0] becomes undefined
READ WRITE([sync_out])
DELETE RECORD([sync_out])
READ ONLY([sync_out])

// create another new record with different known ID with lowest possible sequence
CREATE RECORD([sync_out])
SAVE RECORD([sync_out])

ALERT($esSyncOuts[0].ID) // this is now BBBB!
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