Hello Everyone.

It is out Weekly Openday,

There has been a lot of move on tidying and provision, so if you are along 
today, put a little time on the space organising and other such Bureaucracy, 
the great British Pastime.

The Space will be open from 7pm at the space on Skene Terrace[1].

If you've not heard of us, we get up to a range of activities on Tuesday 
nights, including but not limited to social contact, programming, manufacturing 
weird things and consuming sugary treats. We usually begin at about 7, but 
sometimes someone will be in earlier. 
We're located downstairs from Engage Gaming. Access is through our door just 
beside the Assembly on Skene Terrace! If you're unsure about anything, ask in 

If you're new, I'd suggest you bring a laptop, and perhaps a project you want 
to work on. If you're coming in, feel free to reply and tell us all what you're 
planning to do!

I'll be along to work on some spacestuff.


[1]: https://57north.org.uk/contact

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57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
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