On Tue, Nov 01, 2016 at 12:15:14PM +0000, Robert McWilliam wrote:
> I seem to be the first to notice that it is Tuesday (and be willing to
> tell other people) this week.
> Tuesday means that we have our open evening tonight: any and all are
> welcome to come and visit the space, chat and/or work on
> stuff. There's usually people around from 19:00.
> I'll be along and probably looking at LEDs or an RFID reader and not
> actually getting much done.
> If you have plans: let us know what they are on -discuss. 

Hello Hackers,

I will be in the space tonight! 

I will be finishing the code and electronics for my artnet controlled
pumpkins[1]. I hope to have it done and ready for next year.

[1]: http://adventurist.me/posts/0132

- [tj]
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