On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 09:01:23AM +0100, Doc Ocassi wrote:
> We all come together, to a small room,
> to drink and talk and consume some food.
> Food for the body, food for the brain,
> savour it all before it gets flushed down the drain.
> I'll be in early today, consuming on nordic rf and gyros.
> what will you be consuming.

I'll be along. I think I'll be playing with code to simulate fire,
possibly solder up a better set of lights for it.

There is a meeting to discuss the future of ORG Aberdeen on Thursday
that might be of interest to folks here:

This week the Unix timestamp ticks past 1.5e9 @ 03:40 local time
(02:40 UTC) on Friday.

I've had a terminal displaying the timestamp for a while to watch it
approach. The command there has gotten a bit ridiculous - I only
discovered last week that figlet has fonts :)

while true; do figlet -f poison.flf -w 150 `date +%s`| lolcat; sleep 1; done

The next nine appears just before midnight tomorrow.

I'm planning to watch the rest of them appear in the buildup to the
big event. Anyone else feel like marking this meaningless milestone in
the space?


Robert McWilliam     r...@allmail.net    www.ormiret.com

Engineering  : "How will this work?"
Science      : "Why will this work?"
Management   : "When will this work?"
Liberal Arts : "Do you want fries with that?"
                     -- Jesse N. Schell

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