On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 10:05:16AM +0100, Midder wrote:
> Hello Everyone.
> Today is our Open day, where we open our door to all and sundry, if
> you are a member and can make it come down, if you are not come down
> and see what you are about.
> We will open the space at about 7 till late at
> https://57north.org.uk/contact.
> You can bring a project, a question, or just a plucky attitude, and we
> will endeavour to help you along.
> I'll be down working on stuff for CCC Camp next week, amongst other
> things.
> Will you be down, what will you be working on? 

I will be in, preping for camp I guess.

The Lulzbot has/is shipping now, if you promised money to help get the
printer it is now due. Please bring the money you promised tonight and
give it to Iain.

I need help preparing for a tutorial I am giving at a conference in
Norway in Septepber, this is your chance to get a free run through of
the tutorial. More info here:

- [tj]
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