On Jan 6, 2009 11:47am, dave <drb...@ntlworld.com> wrote:

64studio 2.1 = 800MB DVD

64studio 3.0 = 600MB CD (at present)

There are packages still to be added to the new 64studio 3.0 alpha. Free
would like to keep the ones on 2.1 but would also like to know what packages we would like added to the new release. These are the ones I've found need to be re-added.

linux-headers lilypond rosegarden seq24 meterbridge

If you post here any you would like included, there's a good chance the
version release will contain the software you want.




64studio-devel mailing list



Hey Folks haven't gotten to try the new spin yet due to almost finishing a project but will soon. I would Also like to see the LV2 ardour and especially would like to try out supercollider. since 64studio seems to be using ubuntu I remember a nice little softsynth I worked with in ubuntu at one time called mx44. Small, stable, 4 oscillators I believe. here's the page for the project:


I don't believe any development is currently done on it but i could be wrong. last time I used it seemed to work flawlessly. would love to see it in 3.0

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