For my understanding I wish to compare some knowledge from the C64 with
a modern Intel/AMD Linux PC. I don't have much knowledge about the C64
anymore, but some notes at hand.

Is there a difference for Intel/AMD Linux PCs for IRQs and NMIs? In
other words, for the C64's 6502 CPU there were two commands, SEI and

The SEI command did disable IRQs. IIRC IRQs were interrupts for all
hardware and programs, excepted if a program called the SEI command.
IIRC just the restore and reset buttons did cause a NMI, an interrupt
that can't be disabled, but that isn't done by an interval

So, if you did real time MIDI programming you call SEI to disable all
interrupts, so that just the currently needed MIDI rout was allowed to
run, there were no IRQs anymore.

For example you directly asked the UART connected to the bus if there
was a byte:

## see [1] easier to read for C64 Assembler coders

Load register_with_the_information_if_there_is_a_byte_for

LSR #to check if the flag is set


Load MIDI_event_byte_from_data_register_to_a_'memory'_register


For this loop IRQs for other programs were allowed, e.g. to ask
information from the QWERTY keyboard.
Then you go on:

## [2]

SEI # to disable IRQs, now the following rout has 100% rt priority

# some code to process data

CLI # to enable IRQs


This would be hard real time. While the 6502 has got 3, what I called
here 'memory' registers, a, x and y (I guess a is an own register, some
days ago I thought it was for the stack) an AMD might have much more of
those registers and instead of load and store loops there might be a
move command.

The parallel port of our PCs seems to have a relativ directly connection
to the PCs main bus, just for 8 bits (1 byte, but 32 or 64 bits, but we
only need those 8 bits for MIDI), perhaps it's easy to connect a 64
MIDInterface to the parallel port, perhaps just some TTLs are needed,
perhaps I'm a little bit too naiv.

So if there should be a way to disable and enable interrupts for
Intel/AMD too, it should be possible to do the same kind of programming
as for the C64.

IIUC for Intel/AMD IRQs aren't IRQs, but NMIs?!



[1] I once did a MIDI extension for SpeechBasic to program a real time
MIDI sound sampler on BASIC

$1810 LDA $DEO6
$1813 LSR
$1814 BCC $1810
$1816 LDA $DE07; read MIDI event byte, usually followed by RTS


$181A SEI; disable IRQs

;the MIDI program

$183C CLI; enable IRQs, usually followed by RTS

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