_Hi developers_ :)

there's trouble with setting up X for 64 Studio 3.0-beta3. I don't know if the others are fine with X now. I could (half-)solve the trouble I had, but I don't know a solution to solve this in general.

I guess this is the complete thread:

   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-November/003940.html> /chan /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-November/003941.html> /Ralf Mardorf /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-November/003942.html> /Ralf Mardorf /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-November/003943.html> /Ralf Mardorf /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-November/003945.html> /Jonathan Leonard /

   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003951.html> /Ralf Mardorf /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003952.html> /tim hall /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003953.html> /Jonathan Leonard /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003954.html> /Ralf Mardorf /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003955.html> /Ralf Mardorf /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003956.html> /Ralf Mardorf /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003957.html> /Gustin Johnson /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003958.html> /Ralf Mardorf /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003959.html> /tim hall /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003960.html> /Jonathan Leonard /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003961.html> /Gustin Johnson /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003962.html> /tim hall /
   * [64studio-users] mobo nvidia6100 max 640x480
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003963.html> /Ralf Mardorf /
   * [64studio-users] X Configuration - Episode 1 "xrandr semms to be
     useless for my problem"
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003964.html> /Ralf Mardorf /
   * [64studio-users] X Configuration - Episode 2 "For Suse it's fine,
     for 64 Studio not yet"
<http://lists.64studio.com/pipermail/64studio-users/2009-December/003965.html> /Ralf Mardorf/

Developers, please directly reply to me or to the users list. I'm not receiving mail from the developers list and I also very seldom write to this list./
_Hi users_ :)

I was able to solve it for this set up and for GNOME, it's not a solution in general.

I puzzled out a xorg.conf and copied it to /etc/X11, see attachment. Sources for the puzzle were those two xorg.configurations:

After a restart the xorg.conf kept unchanged:

spinymouse-s...@64studio:~/Desktop$ diff xorg.conf_puzzle /etc/X11/xorg.conf

No diff.

But the session started with a resolution of 1024x...@60hz, using the GNOME utility it's possible to select different resolutions (I guess all possible resolutions) and frequencies (not all frequencies, but 60, 75, 85 and 90Hz). It's possible to set up the wanted 1152x...@90hz (results in 82.0KHz : 90.0Hz).

I checked it with a second restart. Unexpected the session automatically started with the wanted 1152x...@90hz (even if it resulted in *81.9KHz* and 90.0Hz) :), all resolutions still seems to be available, but now only 75, 86 and 90 Hz are available, btw. GDM is using a higher resolution @ 60Hz :D.


spinymouse-s...@64studio:~/Desktop$ diff xorg.conf_puzzle /etc/X11/xorg.conf

there's still no diff.

I guess it would be possible to optimize it, but for now I'll keep it this way, even if I guess it only will be fine for GNOME at the moment, anyway, it's the DE I prefer now.

The problem still is, that I needed Suse to get information about the settings and the xorg.conf for my old monitor, getting this xorg.conf for my old monitor for 64 Studio 3.0-beta3 once also was a PITA (but it was fine for GDM and every WM/ DE).

There should be something similar to Suse's "sax2 -r" for 64 Studio too, or if possible something similar to Windows, were all settings are available, without using any command ;). Btw. for Windows I used ATI's Catalyst, while for Linux I can't use the proprietary driver and Catalyst.

My personal résumé is, that this is still an issue that needs attention by the developers.

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"
        Driver          "kbd"
        Option          "XkbRules"      "xorg"
        Option          "XkbModel"      "pc105"
        Option          "XkbLayout"     "de"
        Option          "XkbVariant"    "ro"
        Option          "XkbOptions"    "lv3:ralt_switch"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Configured Mouse"
        Driver          "mouse"
        Option          "CorePointer"

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"
        Boardname       "VESA driver (generic)"
        Busid           "PCI:1:5:0"
        Driver          "radeon"
        Screen  0
        Option          "MergedFB"      "off"

Section "Monitor"
  DisplaySize  305 230
  HorizSync    29-98
  Identifier    "Configured Monitor"
  Modelname     "Plug 'n' Play"
  Vendorname    "Plug 'n' Play"
  VertRefresh  50-120
  modeline      "1152x864" 128.42 1152 1232 1360 1568 864 865 868 910
  Gamma 1.0

Section "Screen"
        Identifier      "Default Screen"
        Monitor         "Configured Monitor"
        Device          "Configured Video Device"
        Defaultdepth    24
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth   24
                Modes      "1152x864"
                Virtual    3840 1200

Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier      "Default Layout"
  screen 0 "Default Screen" 0 0
Section "Module"
        Load            "glx"
        Load            "GLcore"
        Load            "v4l"
Section "ServerFlags"

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