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Mathias Krause wrote:
> Hi all,
> sorry ... i've been snowboarding for some days, that's why i didn't answer
> for quite a while...

I had some hockey games to watch over the past week.  Not a lot of work
got done around here last week in general.

>>>> when i do
>>>> grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/hda2 /dev/hda
>>>> it says:
>>>> cannot create folder /mnt/hda2/boot/grub, is already existing
>>> Did you use a root account or sudo?  The default knoppix user should not
>>>  have permission to do this.  I have not used grub in a while, I prefer
>>> the systemrescuecd but it is not as friendly as knoppix.
> here's what i did:
> sudo mount -rw /mnt/hda2
> sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/hda2 /dev/hda
> knoppix says:
> -> mkdir: cannot create directory /mnt/hda2/boot/grub: already existing

Instead of Knoppix, can I suggest that you try the Ubuntu 8.04 Live CD?
   Do not use the latest version (9.10) which is what will be shown on
the download page by default.

> minor 1 is the current boot installation without running system

So this is your Windows partition?

> minor 2 was the old root / which should get the boot flag
> minor 3 was old /home
> minor 5 was swap

>>     resp. sda, sdb etc. for all disks and post the part_xxx.txt files and
>>     also post /boot/grub/menu.lst
> cat /mnt/hda2/boot/grub/menu.lst
> -> i/o error
That is really bad.

Can you see any other files in grub folder by using ls -l?

> everything else, than the /boot/grub folder can be read from the disk.
> i editet /mnt/hda2/boot/grub/menu.lst with the same knoppix CD some days
> before after mounting it r/w.

What do you get when you do "ls -la /mnt/hda2/boot/grub/menu.lst"?

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