On Thu, 2013-03-21 at 14:37 +0000, Daniel James wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> > How do I update to a newer 64 studio?
> If you have 64 Studio 2.1 which was based on Debian I would suggest
> updating against Squeeze or Wheezy sources.
> If you have one of the 3.x releases which were based on Ubuntu I would
> say update to current Ubuntu and install the Studio packages.
> > have you changed the name?
> Well, the OpenDAW name was meant to convey that as 64-bit is taken for
> granted on the desktop these days, that the distro was focused on being
> a DAW and was Free Software. Whether we do another OpenDAW .iso really
> depends on customer demand. Right now we are only working on server-side
> products.

First backup your current install.

Note that there was a switch from GNOME 2 to GNOME 3.
gnome-settings-daemon has got a hard dependency to pulseaudio and likely
will disable audio output for multi-channel audio cards.
The GNOME 3 desktop environment is similar to the desktop environment of
tablet PCs, you'll lose the workflow you know from GNOME 2.

IOW, after an update you'll have to fix a lot of issues.

I recommend to switch from GNOME 3 to Xfce and to purge pulseaudio after
the upgrade.

If you're using an external drive following the EU regulation regarding
to energy saving, than remove gvfs, otherwise your drive will spin up
and down again and again. If you remove gvfs, you need to mount block
devices by CLI.

Note that if you upgrade Debian you'll stay with init, but if you
upgrade Ubuntu, then there will be a switch to upstart. IOW the startup
does change and might cause issues, if you customized the boot process.

It's very likely that an update from what ever version of 64 Studio will
cause more issues than making a new install.


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