In thread "Node Behavior at Boot in SF0" (, we
ended up discussing the following paragraph

   In order to define a known state after the node is restarted, a CLEAR
   command is issued to each of the neighbor nodes to enable a new
   allocation process.  The 6P Initial Timeout Value provided by SF0
   should allow for the maximum number of TSCH link-layer retries, as
   defined by Section 4.3.4 of [I-D.ietf-6tisch-6top-protocol].  TODO/
   REMARK: The initial timeout is currently under discussion.

The suggestion on the table is to:

step 1. Change to:

   The 6P Initial Timeout Value provided by SF0
   should allow for the maximum number of TSCH link-layer retries, as
   defined by Section 4.3.4 of [I-D.ietf-6tisch-6top-protocol].  TODO/
   REMARK: The initial timeout is currently under discussion.

step 2. Add the following text to draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-protocol, by
possibly adding a 4.3.X section:

4.3.X. Disconnecting from a neighbor

   If the SF realizes connection to a particular neighbor is no longer
   needed (for example a change in parent by the routing protocol),
   the SF MAY send a CLEAR request to that neighbor to speed up the
   cleanup process of the cells allocated with that neighbor.

I'm hereby opening a call for WG consensus. Please +1 or comment/suggest.
The chairs will summarize on Fridat 25 Nov.



Thomas Watteyne, PhD
Research Scientist & Innovator, Inria
Sr Networking Design Eng, Linear Tech
Founder & co-lead, UC Berkeley OpenWSN
Co-chair, IETF 6TiSCH
6tisch mailing list

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