Dear all,

As you may noticed that a new version of MSF is just published at here:
There are some moderate changes comparing to previous one.

Mainly in two aspects:

1. change the concept of autonomous cell

In the new version, there will be two type of autonomous cells:
- autoTxCell, which is scheduled on demand for just transmitting
-autoTxCell, which is schedule permanently, for just receiving
(the previous version the autonomous cell are used as bidirectional)

More details about how to use those autonomous cell is available in the

2. re-added the downstream traffic adaptation feature

Though, there are cases that the node doesn't receive packet because of
collision, we assume the influence won't be much to adapt the downstream
We will evaluate the performance of this changes.

We are targeting to have a new version before the submission deadline.
During the time, we will evaluate the v4 MSF and would like to have your
comments as well.

Thanks in advance!


Chang Tengfei,
Postdoctoral Research Engineer, Inria
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