Hi Gioele,

for a transaction the RFC states
6P Request, 6P Response, and 6P Confirmation messages for a given
transaction MUST share the same Version, SFID, and SeqNum values.

The case when the response uses a different seqnum can only happen if the
issuer of the response power cycles. In this case, section
and detail the procedure to follow. Basically, the transaction
should be aborted. And the SF should take action to solve the inconsistency..


Missatge de Gioele Carignani <gioelecarign...@gmail.com> del dia dv., 30
d’ag. 2019 a les 17:29:

> Hi all,
> I was looking into RFC 8480, and I would like to know how RESPONSE
> messages with an inconsistent SeqNum (for example the SeqNum  that would be
> used for the next transaction) are treated.
> Under the assumption that this RESPONSE messages does not match any
> REQUEST, will this message simply be ignored or is a CLEAR transaction
> started?
> Thank you
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