The IESG has approved the following document: - 'An Architecture for IPv6 over the TSCH mode of IEEE 802.15.4' (draft-ietf-6tisch-architecture-28.txt) as Informational RFC
This document is the product of the IPv6 over the TSCH mode of IEEE 802.15.4e Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Éric Vyncke and Suresh Krishnan. A URL of this Internet Draft is: Technical Summary This document is the the 6TiSCH architecture of an IPv6 Multi-Link subnet that is composed of a high speed powered backbone and a number of IEEE802.15.4 TSCH low-power wireless networks attached and synchronized by Backbone Routers. The architecture defines mechanisms to establish and maintain routing and scheduling in a centralized, distributed, or mixed fashion. Working Group Summary The general architectural principles appear to be well supported and understood. Whilst there have been some controversial discussions within the WG, those have tended to be around potential future implementation decisions rather than with the architecture as a whole. This document was developed over a period of 5 years. With regular bi-weekly calls with members of the work group. Minutes and discussions are maintained on etherpad available here: For the security section a design team was formed and the proposal of the text in this section was discussed with the work group over the mailer. This is the base document for the 6tisch work group to build over with requirements to other work groups as well - wg 6lo in particular. There has been collaboration by means of discussions over email and participation by members in the bi-weekly calls to arrive at consensus. Document Quality There have been two formal WG last calls, with a number of reviewers. The comments and changes are documented as tickets to this document in the tracker. There have been implementations and interoperability testing at 3 plugfests - at IETF89 London, IETF90 Toronto and another planned for IETF93 Prague. These plugfests demonstrated inter-operation between different hardware and software implementations of 6TiSCH technology proposed by 6tisch workgroup. The details on the focus of these plugfest can be found in draft-ietf-6tisch-minimal. This is the first volume of the 6tisch architecture and the claims/proposals presented in this draft are of good quality and can be verified from the outcome of the plugfests. Personnel The document shepherd is Shwetha Bhandari. The responsible AD is Suresh Krishnan. _______________________________________________ 6tisch mailing list