My appologies for not making it clear that I was not going to be able to
present in person this morning.  Maybe I could have run back and forth with
RATS, but it never really works.

I am not in favour of closing 6tisch down now, or within the next year.
Should it recharter at this point? Not really.  Let's finish things, but
noting that while this isn't a huge amount of work, it is a non-trivial
amount of work.

Do we need to meet?  probably not (maybe a virtual interim sometime in 2020)
We still have a number of documents which we need to progress, and
dtsecurity-zerotouch-join is one of them.  It still needs some work,
and the limits on getting that work done is mostly number of hours in the
week.  Given that it depends upon a number of other documents, including
minimal-security, it made sense to me to let it languish for the past two
years while we got those documents through the process.

Michael Richardson <>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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