I’m not aware of any IPR that applies to this draft.


> On 12 Dec 2019, at 18:32, Prof. Diego Dujovne <diego.dujo...@mail.udp.cl> 
> wrote:
> “I’m not aware of any IPR that applies to this draft”
> Le jeu. 12 déc. 2019 à 14:31, Pascal Thubert (pthubert) <pthub...@cisco.com 
> <mailto:pthub...@cisco.com>> a écrit :
> Dear all
> It is time to publish draft-ietf-6tisch-msf, and as part of the process I 
> need to confirm whether there is IPR on this specification.
> Authors: please confirm whether any and all appropriate IPR disclosures 
> required for full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79 have 
> already been filed. If not, explain why. You may for instance answer with 
> “I’m not aware of any IPR that applies to this draft” or indicate a link to 
> an IETF disclosure.
> Others: If you are aware of IPR that encumbers this draft, please reply to 
> this mail with relevant information.
> Note that there’s oner disclosure against the draft already 
> (https://datatracker.ietf.org/ipr/3270/ 
> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/ipr/3270/>). The title of the IPR disclosure is 
> "Cisco's Statement about IPR related to draft-ietf-6tisch-msf"
> Many thanks
> Pascal
> -- 
> Profesor Asociado
> Escuela de Informática y Telecomunicaciones
> Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad Diego Portales - Chile
> www.ingenieria.udp.cl <http://www.ingenieria.udp.cl/>
> (56 2) 676 8125
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