The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'IEEE 802.15.4 Information Element encapsulation of 6TiSCH Join and
   Enrollment Information'
  (draft-ietf-6tisch-enrollment-enhanced-beacon-14.txt) as Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the IPv6 over the TSCH mode of IEEE 802.15.4e
Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Éric Vyncke and Suresh Krishnan.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary

   In TSCH mode of IEEE802.15.4, as described by [RFC8180],
   opportunities for broadcasts are limited to specific times and
   specific channels.  Nodes in a TSCH network typically frequently send
   Enhanced Beacon (EB) frames to announce the presence of the network.
   This document provides a mechanism by which small details critical
   for new nodes (pledges) and long sleeping nodes may be carried within
   the Enhanced Beacon.

Working Group Summary

This is a simple and well-understood specification. Went through the WG without 
hassle, raised very few comments actually.

Document Quality

Most of the reviewers were 802.15.4 TSCH experts and the quality is really good.
We have not seen implementation plans, but that should come since this is both 
simple and needful.


The Document Shepherd is Pascal Thubert. The Responsible AD is Suresh Krishnan.

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