Here is my usual eclectic condensed agenda based on the DRAFT AGENDA
for IETF115.  Remember that there is still significant potential for

All times are in UTC, as will be the physical meeting.

Grüße, Carsten

SATURDAY, November 5, 2022

0930-2100  Hackathon - Admiral 1
1030-1100  Hackathon Kickoff - Admiral 1
1000-1800  Code Sprint - Mezzanine 8
1400-1800  IETF Wiki Content Sprint - Mezzanine 9

SUNDAY, November 6, 2022

0930-1600  Hackathon - Admiral 1
1000-1800  IETF Registration
1400-1600  Hackathon Results Presentations - Admiral 1
1700-1900  Welcome Reception - Kensington 2
1800-2000  Hot RFC Lightning Talks - Kensington 1

MONDAY, November 7, 2022

0930-1130  Session I
Kensington 1    ART     dispatch        Dispatch WG - Joint with ARTAREA
Richmond 4      IRTF    cfrg    Crypto Forum
Richmond 3      RTG     apn     Application-aware Networking WG
Richmond 1      SEC     oauth   Web Authorization Protocol WG

1300-1500  Session II
Mezzanine 10-11 ART *** core    Constrained RESTful Environments WG
Kensington 1    INT     6man    IPv6 Maintenance WG
Richmond 4      RTG     detnet  Deterministic Networking WG
Kensington 2    TSV     quic    QUIC WG

1530-1730  Session III
Kensington 2    ART     httpbis HTTP WG
Richmond 2      IRTF*** dinrg   Decentralized Internet Infrastructure
Richmond 4      RTG     can     Computing-Aware Networking BOF
Mezzanine 10-11 SEC     emu     EAP Method Update WG
Richmond 3      SEC *** rats    Remote ATtestation ProcedureS WG
Kensington 1    TSV     tsvwg   Transport Area Working Group WG

TUESDAY, November 8, 2022

0930-1130  Session I
Richmond 1      ART     httpapi Building Blocks for HTTP APIs WG
Richmond 3      IRTF    coinrg  Computing in the Network Research Group
Kensington 1    SEC     jwp     JSON Web Proofs BOF

1300-1430  Session II
Richmond 4      INT     add     Adaptive DNS Discovery WG - Joint with DPRIVE
Mezzanine 10-11 IRTF    panrg   Path Aware Networking RG
Kensington 2    OPS *** iotops  IOT Operations WG
Kensington 1    RFCEDITOR       rswg    RFC Series Working Group
Richmond 1      SEC     openpgp Open Specification for Pretty Good Privacy WG

1500-1600  Session III
Richmond 4      INT     dnssd   Extensions for Scalable DNS Service Discovery WG
Mezzanine 10-11 RTG     rift    Routing In Fat Trees WG
Richmond 1      RTG *** roll    Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks WG
Kensington 1    SEC     dance   DANE Authentication for Network Clients 
Everywhere WG

1630-1730  Session IV
Mezzanine 1-4   ART     uuidrev Revise Universally Unique Identifier 
Definitions WG
Richmond 2      SEC *** lake    Lightweight Authenticated Key Exchange WG

WEDNESDAY, November 9, 2022

0930-1130  Session I
Kensington 1    ART     mimi    More Instant Messaging Interoperability BOF
Kensington 2    IRTF    irtfopen        IRTF Open Meeting
Richmond 3      TSV     masque  Multiplexed Application Substrate over QUIC 
Encryption WG

1300-1430  Session II
Richmond 2      INT     intarea Internet Area Working Group WG
Mezzanine 10-11 SEC     oauth   Web Authorization Protocol WG
Richmond 4      SEC *** suit    Software Updates for Internet of Things WG

1500-1630  Session III
Richmond 2      INT *** 6lo     IPv6 over Networks of Resource-constrained 
Nodes WG
Richmond 3      IRTF    pearg   Privacy Enhancements and Assessments Research 
Mezzanine 10-11 SEC *** teep    Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning WG

1700-1900  IETF Plenary - Kensington Suite

THURSDAY, November 10, 2022

0930-1130  Session I
Richmond 4      ART     moq     Media Over QUIC WG
Richmond 1      INT     snac    Stub Network Auto Configuration for IPv6 WG
Richmond 3      IRTF    icnrg   Information-Centric Networking
Kensington 1    RTG     tvr     Time Variant Routing BOF
Mezzanine 10-11 SEC     gnap    Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol WG
Richmond 2      SEC     scitt   Supply Chain Integrity, Transparency, and Trust 
Kensington 2    SEC     tls     Transport Layer Security WG

1300-1500  Session II
Richmond 2      ART     webtrans        WebTransport WG
Richmond 4      IRTF    maprg   Measurement and Analysis for Protocols
Mezzanine 10-11 OPS     anima   Autonomic Networking Integrated Model and 
Approach WG
Kensington 1    SEC     satp    Secure Asset Transfer Protocol BOF

1530-1630  Session III
Richmond 2      ART     sedate  Serialising Extended Data About Times and 
Events WG
Richmond 3      INT *** drip    Drone Remote ID Protocol WG
Richmond 4      RTG     bier    Bit Indexed Explicit Replication WG
Mezzanine 10-11 SEC     acme    Automated Certificate Management Environment WG
Kensington 1    SEC *** cose    CBOR Object Signing and Encryption WG

1700-1800  Session IV
Mezzanine 10-11 ART *** cbor    Concise Binary Object Representation 
Maintenance and Extensions WG
Mezzanine 1-4   ART     mediaman        Media Type Maintenance WG
Richmond 4      ART     tigress Transfer dIGital cREdentialS Securely WG
Richmond 1      INT     madinas MAC Address Device Identification for Network 
and Application Services WG
Kensington 1    RTG     rtgarea Routing Area Open Meeting
Kensington 2    SEC     secdispatch     Security Dispatch WG

FRIDAY, November 11, 2022

0930-1130  Session I
Kensington 2    ART     httpbis HTTP WG
Kensington 1    OPS     v6ops   IPv6 Operations WG
Richmond 2      RTG     raw     Reliable and Available Wireless WG
Richmond 3      RTG     savnet  Source Address Validation in Intra-domain and 
Inter-domain Networks WG
Mezzanine 10-11 SEC     saag    Security Area Open Meeting

1230-1400  Session II
Kensington 1    INT *** lpwan   IPv6 over Low Power Wide-Area Networks WG
Richmond 3      SEC     privacypass     Privacy Pass WG

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