I have a 20GB drive and was just gonna use Partition Magic to partition
7 gigs or so for Linux (ext3, I assume?).  Then I was just gonna install
Gentoo and edit the grub.conf file.

Before all of this, I had Red Hat 9 on there.  I nuked it and now have a
completely clean install of XP.

Hopefully it'll find my embedded 11b card (it's a Omnibook 6100).  If
not, any suggestions on what I'll need to do there?

Joel Brauer wrote:
> What kind of suggestions are you looking for?  A howto?  Caveats?
> What I have found is that since winblows thinks it's God's gift to the
> PC, it makes it's partition the active one whenever you boot into it.
> So the only way to make sure you have a Grub/Lilo menu to start linux
> with is either to use the NT bootloader, or put Grub/Lilo on your MBR
> /dev/hda (hd0).  I do the second option, and I use Grub.
> I wouldn't recommend it as much if you were using Lilo because the
> configuration is set before boot, but Grub sort of has a mini OS that
> you can recover from misconfiguration with.
> Hope that helps :)
> Joel Brauer
> Manager IS
> Software and Systems Integration
> School of Medicine
> Loma Linda University
> 909-558-7713
> Roger E. Rustad, Jr. wrote:
> |Anyone have any suggestions on dual booting XP and Linux?  Just put XP
> |on and am now forming a plan for Linux (preferably Gentoo).
> |
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