On 30Dec2004 10:13AM (+0000), qosler wrote:
> /dev/hda1            boot   1gig
> /dev/hda2            swap  1.5 gig
> /dev/hda3            root    4gig

That seems like a monster biig boot partition.  Is that your /boot ?
Does gentoo need that to be 1gig?

I regularly use about 100Mb, and still never run out of room.

I'm wondering if your /boot partition has gone over the Cylinder 1024
boundary?  Can you use an fdisk tool and see what cylinder your hda1
partition ends on?

/* david kaiser (NO SPAM/UCE) pubkey=1C8DCC8D    begin e-mail decoder */ main()
{int j=-1;char t[]="gndlvhuCfgn1frp\r";while(t[j]!='\r'){putchar(t[++j]-3);}0;}

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