kill -9 !

On 29Jun2007 10:24AM (-0700), Brian Friday wrote:
> So got stumped yesterday in my interview by a issue I have never seen  
> before and given the context of the issue and commands google isn't  
> returning very effective results.
> As a "anyone know this" and a "this is good to know" I'm throwing  
> this out to the list.
> Scenario:
>       0) solaris operating system
>       1) apache process is running away with your resources
>       2) it has been killed via "kill -9 pid"
>       3) there is still an apache process running but it never responded  
> to the "kill -9" command and it has not been gone zombie so it is  
> still using resources at an alarming rate.
> Question: How do you kill this process?
> My gut reaction would be there has got to be a something (connection,  
> file) which is allowing the process to ignore the "kill -9" command,  
> find what it is using or what is holding it open and get that process  
> to release. Then the unkillable process will be killed....
> My second reaction is you might be stuck in a situation which there  
> is no other recourse but to reboot. That said there has got to be  
> something else that could be done in order to kill the process....
> - Brian
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