> I'm assuming /386/bin/fossil/fossil does not, in fact, exist.

The file exists:

term% ls -l /386/bin/fossil/fossil
--rwxrwxr-x M 8 sys sys 366315 Dec 31  1969 /386/bin/fossil/fossil

> The fact that the last file completed changes is just a distraction
> in this case; I suspect you have $NPROC>1 and mk is parallelizing
> its work. I think if you set NPROC=1 before running mk you'll stop
> seeing that last file change.

I am getting the same problem with or without setting NPROC=1

> The problem is simply that the kernel mkfiles don't know how to
> build things in /sys/src/cmd. The trivial work-around is to build
> fossil yourself (cd /sys/src/cmd/fossil && mk install). There's
> likely to be other similar binaries needed, so I'd recommend you
> 'mk install' all of /sys/src/cmd.

Yes!? Here is the problem:

If I compiled fossil and now, doing the mk with pccpuf, show me an error
with libip.a :-?
Then, I compiled libip.a and now the kernel is compiling ok.

The real problem is this is the official plan9.iso CD, with the default
installation, then other people will have the same problem.

> Anthony

Thank you Anthony,


Rodolfo García AKA kix

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