Pietro Gagliardi wrote:
The ultimate echo, actually useful, but no one wants it.

    echo: echo arguments
echo [-1abCDEeilmNnOqrtuVvwXx] [-B base] [-c cmd] [-d char] [-f file] [-L len] [-o file] [-S voice] [-s char] [args...]
    echo outputs its arguments. It takes the following switches:

    -1        One argument per line.
    -a        Output in ASCII. The default.
-B base Output in given base, 2..32. Unless -u also given, base > 10 shows lowercase.
    -b        Output in binary.
    -C        Don't echo anything, just print the number of fields.
-c cmd Run cmd on each argument, replacing $? with the argument itself.
    -D        Output in decimal.
    -d char    Field delimiter. Default is end of argument.
    -E        Print to standard error instead of to standard output.
    -e        Allow escape sequences
    -f file    Read from file, then from command line (if any).
    -i        Read arguments from standard input.
    -L len    Line width set to len. Default is to ignore line lengths.
    -l        Turn uppercase to lowercase.
    -m        Multi-column output.
    -N        One field per line, numbering each field.
    -n        Suppress newline.
    -O        Output in octal.
    -o file    Write to file instead of standard output.
    -q        "Quiet mode:" redirect output to /dev/null if not to a file.
-r Print every string that matches each regular expression. Regular expressions cannot contain + or * modifiers. -S voice Send to speaker, having the given voice say it. If voice is a null string, use the default voice.
    -s char    Separate fields with char, default space.
    -t        Separate fields with tabs.
-u Convert lowercase to uppercase. With -B, output in uppercase letters for base > 10.
    -V        Strip non-printing characters.
    -v        Make non-printing characters visible.
-w If -l is given, word wrap instead of character wrap. Otherwise, ignored.
    -X        Output in uppercase hexadecimal.
    -x        Output in lowercase hexadecimal.

Test for everyone: write this echo in as little code as possible. C or rc is permitted. The rules: - for C: either Standard C (no other libraries) or only libc (no other Plan 9 libraries) - for rc: only use programs in the core Plan 9 distribution - no programs that I have to get myself
    - match the behavior EXACTLY as above
    - shortest code and fastest run time wins
Winner gets something cool.

What should it do if you mix -f and -i?

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