> 4. The apple with καλλιστι on it is totally Russ', for he posted 
> the most sensible response. Thank you Russ.
> 5. Oh, and that thing on (4) is the Discordian transliteration of whatever 
> was written on the apple. Greek text input to a mail client on Windows. 
> Check if you can read it on the "mother of UTF-8." If you do you're 
> "almost" there, if you don't...

i have been using non-latin characters with plan 9 tools on unix
and later on plan 9 since 1991 or so both in filenames and data.

the fact that utf-8 just works even in environments not designed for it,
is a testament to its excellent design.

unfortunately, unix tools no longer do the right thing with utf-8.
they've gotten too smart for that.  locales get in the way.

- erik

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