On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 8:51 PM, Eris Discordia
>> Wrong on so many levels.
> Go read the responses 9people gave the original poster. You'll see why it's
> _right_ on so many levels.
>> Plan 9 obeys the UNIX way: tools that make jobs simpler.
> A UNIX better than UNIX? I thought that was just the thing 9people claimed
> to be past. Didn't I hear someone saying, "Plan 9 is not UNIX?" Ahem...
> GNU's Not UNIX, too, nah?
>> "Everything is a UTF-8 [...]"
> Do me a favor. Fire up your beloved upas, use mail, and relay one email
> through upas/smtpd to smtp.gmail.com:587 with the words "שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם"
> (Hebrew, Shalom aleichem) or "سلام علیکم" (Arabic, Salam-on alaikom) to my
> address. Let's see if "the mail goes through."
>> "Everything is a UTF-8 text file or a mountable filesystem, even devices
>> and severs" encourages transparency of modules: you can copy a file from
>> a Gopher network in Tokyo to a mobile phone from Mexico or have the
>> filesystem report how much free space is left without running a million
>> commands or typing a thousand lines of code.
> The path from Gopher to your PC--or it was a Mac that you had?--was paved
> years ago on UNIX. Then the path from Tokyo to Mexico was built on UNIX, and
> today it _runs_ on UNIX. Now, the real problem begins when you want to get
> your cell phone to talk 9P-over-IP.
> Do you have a 9P client for your cell phone? You "wrote" it already? Does it
> run on Java? Or Symbian? Or Vendor X's proprietary embedded OS? Did you do
> it on Plan 9? Or did you snatch an SDK written for some other livelier OS?
> Go fool someone else with your empty rhetoric, buddy.
>> If you are not like that, leave.
> No, I _am_ not like that. I also _don't_ like that. And I've left. The post
> was not for you to chew on, it was for the benefit of the thread's
> originator.

take it easy on the porn and get some real sex, eris. you're way too angry.


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