> Anyway, does 9P and Plan9 know about "path MTU discovery"?

traditional path mtu uses icmp messages.  if your router/modem/whatever
eats icmp, you're outta luck with these traditional methods.
cf. http://www.netheaven.com/pmtu.html  i think there are some tricks
to get around the missing icmp messages, though.

> Or have I something wrong at my firewall/router?
> Other of my computers (FreeBSD,Windows) don't have such problems.

have you tried mounting sources from these machines?

i think this problem is pecular to sources.  if the pmtu is
symmetric, it seems sources is a few bytes short of a full packet.
1510 bytes.  yet when i read from a local machine, the tcp
packets are a bit long of a full packet -- 1518 bytes.

something to look into.

- erik

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