> Was really bummed not to be able to make IWP9 this year.  A note to
> whoever is considering hosting the next one -- it would be really cool
> for us corporate types if we could move it into the first two quarters
> of the year as its usually around July that our travel budgets get
> slashed.  I think it would even be worth skipping a year so we could
> move it earlier if that was necessary.   Co-location with a major
> conference (USENIX, OSDI, SOSP, etc.) would be nice too, but since
> that would probably bump the costs for folks it may be less desirable.
>            -eric

Putting in a request for somewhere in the Northeast U.S.  next year,
if people are willing to accept the weather.  I'd offer to host it
here in Rochester (at RIT, I think they'd go for it) but the
conditions can be expected to be similar to Murray Hill's from IWP9


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