On Mon, 2008-11-10 at 23:38 +0000, C H Forsyth wrote:
> >And even we we stick with the "resources
> >as regular files" approach on the client you're stuck with mostly POSIX
> >environment + locking (+caching). POSIX means symlink(2) and mknod(2)
> no, because (unless i've misunderstood) they are accessing resources
> (as regular files) on a remote server, and symbolic links and
> outdated major/minor are irrelevant and not needed.

Agreed. That's why I didn't include this bit in the main set of

But wouldn't you agree that files kept on a remote POSIX file system is
an important and common class of remotes resources for which we don't
quite have a consensus on how to use 9P?

We have at least three different attempts at solving that: 9P2000.u, 
Skip's Text/Rext and a "parallel tree" approach, but no consensus(*)


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