On 11/20/08, Juan M. Méndez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Anybody have the latest hugs port?
>>I looked through some changelog from andrey port to the latest Sept2006.
>>There doesnt seem to be much of an update that I actually need, but I
>>wanted to ask incase I decide to update andreys port.
>>As an update I ported the vscm a R4RS bytecode scheme/lisp. I also
>>updated the umb-scheme port to support sparse matrix. Not really
>>tested to do anything, but it compiles under ape :)
> Hi Fernan,
> Where is your port of the R4RS scheme, and the umb-scheme.
> I'd like to test it.
> Juan

cool! It's in my contrib
http://netlib.bell-labs.com/sources/contrib/fernan/. If you want the
originals try fgb's port. I hope it works for you.

if anybody wants the latest sep2006 hugs port, I have that too. I wont
be posting it just yet as it's still not a very clean install. heheh
actually non of my ports are clean install :)

I no longer took the non-destructive porting approach that Andrey took
with the original port. My poor scripting abilities was giving me
problems with the library install.



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