On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 5:43 AM, Rudolf Sykora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> seems you use IMAP to read gmail. I usually read my gmail mail through
> my web browser, which is not a problem from opera/firefox in linux.
> However, I can't do the same from plan9. Neither abaco, nor charon
> work. Is this so for everyone or just for me? Thanks.

I remember looking into the problem with charon in the past using my
feeble skills, so I just took another peek using:

charon -dbg dnop -docookies 1 -doscripts 1 -usessl v3 -starturl
'http://mail.google.com/mail/h' -dbgfile gmail.out

and based on the URL left in the address bar and the debug log, it
looks like it fails somewhere around the last continue parameter from
the last redirect.  Authentication seems to be working; I can use
iGoogle but not Gmail.

There are some intermittent errors about SSL to
ssl.google-analytics.com, but I don't think these are critical.

One of the last requests seem to return a chunk of Javascript that
does browser detection:


I tried some of the tricks found around the net to turn off browser
detection with no success.  I did find that the URL redirects seem to
behave differently if I don't enable Javascript, but then it fails
very strangely at the end with what appears to be an invalid request.

The last valid request is:


and then it follows up with:

target frame name=
Startreq BS=12 for
Chose NC=0 for BS 12, qlen=1
NC 0: starting runnetconn in connect state
http 0: dialing tcp!www.google.com!443
http 0: connected
warning: unknown header field: X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
http 0: got response header:
HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found

which doesn't seem to match the continue parameter from the last request.


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