I very much enjoy Samuel R. Delany
(http://www2.pcc.com/staff/jay/delany/); especially Babel-17, Nova,
Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand and Dhalgren. The latter one is
a good one for the holiday, as it's a tad longer. His short stories
are well worth seeking out as well. His stories are characterised by a
focus on people on the fringes of society without making a big deal of

Also very enjoyable are books by Ken MacLeod
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_MacLeod). His first one, The Star
Fraction, is a gem. Although his later books employ a little bit too
much flashback.

And I second Ursula Le Guin. especially the books set in the Hainish
universe. Although you can give The Telling a miss, unless you like
religious epiphanies.

And finally, for good old fashioned, sillyness, Alan Dean Foster.


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