Meh, I keep forgetting to hit reply-all or something.

2008/12/19 erik quanstrom <>:
>> That's where I was looking initially -- it looks like that's all only
>> done when you're connecting to a venti, and it seems like it
>> definitely happens after the links run anyway. Links happen after
>> initseg(); that stuff happens in bootinit() in Plan 9 proper -- so
>> that's where I did it in 9vx. I'm tempted to just use '#l' in
>> ip/chandial.c right now until I have a more concrete idea about where
>> binds *should* happen. There are still issues with etherve that I need
>> to hammer out, I think.
>> --dho
> sorry.  i haven't really been following along.  i am confused
> by the fact you're having troubles.  if you're doing things in
> the same order as the native kernel, i don't see how you
> could be getting different results.  unless there is some hack
> in 9vx that causes things to happen differently.

There seem to be some differences in how things happen at start-up
time, but they don't seem so severe. That's why I'm asking here :)

> (you're virtual ether0 is working now, right?)

It works if I force chandial to look for it in '#l', and by works, I
mean I haven't been able to test it on a live network yet :(


> - erik

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