On Sun, 2009-01-04 at 08:43 +0200, lu...@proxima.alt.za wrote:
> > Constructing a namespace without RFNOMNT that does not have #s (say) bound
> > is not really securing #s (and its other consumers) against that namespace's
> > actions.  Constructing a namespace with RFNOMNT and without #s bound does
> > at least two bad things:
> >   -> it makes it impossible to pass fds around between processes in this
> >      namespace, as there is now no /srv backing.
> >   -> it prohibits import of additional resources.
> > 
> You could have a superserver process that constructs additional
> namespace entries as mkdir()s within its own directory hierarchy,
> could you not? 

That was the solution I was trying to hint at in my original email.
I still haven't seen Nathaniel's reply to that.

> and suddenly find
> /dev/superserver/999/hisnamespace for me to mess to my heart's
> content.  Like you, I'd then find it annoying that RFNOMNT stops me
> from abbreviating this as /n/hisnamespace for practical purposes.

RFNOMNT does NOT restrict bind(2). Thus you can always do that even
in a fully jailed process.

> > The claim is that it might be useful to have namespaces where the mount
> > table remained open to additional mounts (etc.) but for which the magic
> > shortcut and proxy circumvention mechanism of #X was not available.
> In other words, restrict RFNOMNT (obviously by a totally different
> name and possibly mechanism) to the #X exception instead of its
> current function.  Non?

My personal opinion (which seems to be shared by Erik) is that it
is a slippery slope that can be avoided. I haven't seen the
arguments to the contrary so far.


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