2009/2/2 Akshat Kumar <aku...@mail.nanosouffle.net>:
> 2009/2/2 Skip Tavakkolian <9...@9netics.com>:
>> it might require a c-section.
>> might want to start with VLC or ffmpeg.
> My aim was just to get 9fans talking about it.
> Hence, the pushing.
> But yes, what information can you provide
> about either of those, with regards to porting
> or creating natively?

The Flash file format is an open standard
(http://www.adobe.com/devnet/swf/). To be useful for encoded video,
you'd need a VP6 codec (which seems lolno) and x264. It would probably
be possible to do at least the x264 stuff via ffmpeg, which is
probably not too difficult to port -- it's pretty simple code and the
codecs are easily portable. To be useful for anything else, you'd also
need a bytecode interpreter that understood the compiled actionscript
-- it's just a bytecode-compiled ECMAScript, and I believe its details
are also found in that PDF. The rest is being able to display JPG/PNG
raster images and antialiased TTF and vectors. (Flash allows you to
embed fonts into the generated SWF output as well).


> ak

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