On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 7:24 AM, Giacomo Tesio <giac...@tesio.it> wrote:

> BTW my main problem is to know if, in a grid of plan 9 fileservers, there
> could be any kind of replication, keeping files reachable when a node goes
> down.

This sort of thing was done to death IIRC in the 80s. It was dropped
for a while because, at the scale of file server usage in the 90s, nfs
file servers were fine. At least from what I read today, google does
it now in GFS. There is an open source version of something that
claims to do provide it based on Hadoop
(http://hadoop.apache.org/core/) although the hadoop setups I have
seen use NFS for distributing files (!). I vaguely remember gluster
talking about failover and recovery (http://www.gluster.org/).

Have you done a literature search? I don't get the feeling that you have.



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