I just found a PC on the street, in Brazil, and it runs Plan9 fine -
ten minutes to install.

So don't cry to me.

I've changed my password so that Tiger can't use my account. He is
very happy with the crap machine.

I just hate all the non-technical whining on here.

"Can someone look into the web interface?" would have worked.


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 3:45 AM, Anthony Sorace <ano...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i've updated the mirrors page; right now, it's only got 9grid.es right
> now. i've also removed the explicit mention of specific mirrors from
> the "sources repository" page, where i think you were seeing what you
> were seeing. i've changed it to reference the mirrors page.
> i only saw 9grid.de on the contrib index page; i've removed that. that
> page is automatically generated, although that hasn't run in a while.
> i'm reworking that script a bit; the new version will refer to the
> wiki page on mirrors. i expect to be running that more regularly by
> the end of the week.

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