        Short version: we made the cut. Join the plan9-gsoc Google group
(and/or come hang out in #plan9-gsoc on Freenode) if you want more

        Longer version: Google has accepted just over 1/3 of applying
organizations: 150 of 395. The program admin says the application
quality was the best she's seen so far, and many projects that've
worked with them before got rejected. I think this speaks well of our
ability to address some of Google's bigger concerns from 2008 (largely
based on our 2007 participation), and generally of progress we've made
over the last two years towards making things a bit more friendly for

        Thanks to everyone who's contributed ideas for students or agreed to
mentor so far. Thanks to the community generally, and the folks at
Bell Labs, of course. Thanks in particular to Noah and Uriel for
helping with the application and understanding our previous issues,
and to Uriel for the work that's gone into, which helped a
lot in practical terms.

        The next tasks are ensuring our info is tidy for the pending rush of
students, getting mentors to stick their names on particular projects,
and agreeing on the set of projects we want to do (we're asking for
far fewer this year; quality of quantity). Once things are fully
underway, I'll be making regular reports here on progress of the GSoC
participation generally, and you'll be hearing project-specific things
from students and mentors. Most of the ongoing discussion specific to
GSoC will be taking place in the plan9-gsoc Google group, or on
#plan9-gsoc on freenode.

Anthony Sorace

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