I've started using Twitter. There, I said it.

I actually signed up for twitter to follow a few 9fans, which seems
sort of weirdly ironic to me. Now with a bunch of GSoC related news
flying around on it, I've actually started using it (lightly), much to
my surprise (and occasional dismay). Going to the web site to poll for
updates is irritating, but there's enough other tools out there that
finding something that presents a more reasonable usage actually isn't
too hard. I wanted something on Plan 9 that worked simply.

Testing has been cursory only, but
/n/sources/contrib/anothy/rc/bin/tweet seems to work. Usage is pretty
much as you'd expect, "tweet some message here" or "fortune | tweet"
will do pretty much what you expect. It's a pretty dead simple wrapper
around hget. I even got to give up on authentication, since hget will
ask factotum.

Side note: as I said, this uses hget. I first tried doing it with
webfs, but had problems with the user:p...@domain syntax. Is anyone
using that with webfs?

Anthony (sigh: @anothy)

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