> Let me say it differently. The way in which the plan 9 kernel code was
> changed to be gcc-compilable as part of the vx32 kernel might provide
> some hints as to how to change a whole plan 9 kernel. The point being,
> it is not impossible to get a gcc-compilable plan 9 kernel. We used to
> talk about this at LANL all the time: we called it the "evil project".
> (This idea predates vx32 but it was not my idea; I will let the evil
> person behind the evil project identify himself). This change would
> remove "have to port&test&validate&fix&validate&... the C compiler
> first" as a barrier to entry on new CPUs.
> see src/vx32 in the vx32 tree.

i'm really missing something.  what executables does this
kernel run?  how are they generated?

wouldn't it just be easier to use 32-bit compatability mode
for bootstrapping using vc?

- erik

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