
here's the guy again that made the original post:
It seems the idea is almost dismissed and I am sorry for wasting your time once again, but I'd like to reply to some arguments:

1) Close the iPhone App and your drawterm session is gone

A part of the project could be to write a server that holds the real drawterm connection and simulates a drawterm up to the point that another drawterm could connect to it and continue the session. Much like a irc bouncer.

2) Using drawterm on such a screen is a big pain in the ass

For clicking: Just think of a horizontal iPhone. With one hand you point. With the other hand you lay on buttons in a side bar that can modify your clicks. ([1] for a simple mockup (examplary: left hand for pointing, right thumb for modifying)

Managing rio windows might be possible by giving some extra brainpower to the drawterm, like resizing/moving windows with gestures and also creating new or deleting windows with gestures.

I imagine both clicking and managing rio become very fluent after you get used to it.

__This also might be a test how the mouse philosophy of plan9 transfers to touch devices. which is an interesting aspect for the project also for the future__

3) Extra applications...

I just give here a small list of devices one could export on an iPhone, just to give you an idea:
        - Screen
        - Multitouch
        - Audio (In and Out)
        - Camera
        - Global positioning data
        - the ssd disk on the iPhone
        - 3dimensional rotation of the phone

I am sure just about everyone can pick up some of these to think of an application he would find useful for everyday work.

Best wishes,
[1] http://www.minithink.org/mock.jpg
(Sorry for the image quality)

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