> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 5:05 AM, Frederic Bonfanti
> <frederic.bonfa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > In May 2003, I did some tools to download ALL Unicode Glyphs (.gif),
> > process them and create the relevent font files.
> >
> > The result is somehow ``ugly" :) although the only existing solution
> > if you wanted to visualize any unicode glyph.
> I use fileformat.info to view Unicode blocks.

being able to use the standard plan 9 tools right in an
acme window is a great benefit to me.  i did the same
conversion of the unicode glyphs.  i also use code2000
(contrib/install quanstro/code2000), which is good enough
for most purposes and may look a little better.

- erik

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