On Wed, 2009-04-01 at 18:49 +0200, Bernd R. Fix wrote:
> David Leimbach schrieb:
> > Anyway to get a non GPL v3 licensed version from you?  I may not be able to
> > use this implementation for what I want otherwise.
> > I was actually planning on doing this myself, anyway at one point, and
> > BSDLng it.
> I guess there is a clash of licenses between your project and J9P. So
> what licence are you using (I assume it is no commercial project) and
> what makes it problematic? I am not too deep into this licensing business.
> As (currently) sole copyright holder I can make exceptions, but I feel
> that this problem should be solved in a more general way. Any ideas?
> Feel free to contact me via private mail on this.
> I thought about using the LGPL for the project and might reconsider that
> once a stable stage is reached.

Not implying anything, just a question: what made you pick GPL in the
first place?


P.S. Personally, I try to license my stuff under as non-restrictive
license as possible (BSD or at least LGPL) that still protects me.
That said, I do understand people who use GPL as a statement, not
because the license is particularly good.

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