I have used it also.  Circa 10.5 years ago there was a race condition in
the scripts that ran it with troff which I fixed and sent back in; I think
they got into the dist.

Literate programming is a lot of fun and works well if you have the mindset
for it.


In article <dd6fe68a0904111628h20406a52xd702d276bf278...@mail.gmail.com>,
Russ Cox <r...@swtch.com> wrote:
>Noweb has a nice simple interface (if literate programming
>is what you want) and runs on Plan 9.  It's somewhere:
>I'm sure if you dig around you can find it.  Maybe it's in
>/n/sources/extra.  I used it quite a bit with latex.  I don't
>remember whether I ever used it with troff.

Aharon (Arnold) Robbins                                 arnold AT skeeve DOT com
P.O. Box 354            Home Phone: +972  8 979-0381
Nof Ayalon              Cell Phone: +972 50  729-7545
D.N. Shimshon 99785     ISRAEL

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