> john, eric, and yy, thanks!
> 9vx isn't working out very well for me so far. I'm trying to practice
> everything in the documentation on the Plan 9 site, then I'll work on the
> ideas that have been posted for me here. I was going to practice first in
> 9vx, because it's easier to switch back and forth between that and my other
> windows, than between qemu and my other windows.
> Adding a new user:
> term% uname jim jim
> > uname: '/bin/uname' file does not exist

this isn't a criticism of 9vx.  if you're using 9vx to stand
in for plan 9, you are going to have a lot of trouble with
the differences.  it's possible to configure 9vx to be just
like plan 9, but that's not the default and it takes some
doing and some additions.

for what you're doing qemu (or whatever) makes more
sense.  you may even even wish to set that up as a
cpu server and then use drawterm as a viewer.

- erik

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