On 04/18/2009 11:23 AM, lu...@proxima.alt.za wrote:
>> Every time I have to use something like
>> Linux or MS, I feel overwhelmed by the sheer complexity of it all.
> Possibly OT, my main beef with Linux and Windows is that they keep
> wanting to update themselves and the effort to "manage" these updates
> is enormous (less so with Ubuntu, but still great).  With Plan 9, I
> find I can control the updating process and do not feel I'm leaving
> myself exposed whenever I do.  Of course, the factors involved are
> very different, but I have a suspicion that with Windows and Linux one
> relinquishes control at too deep a level and the continual updates are
> a particularly visible case of this loss of control.

I don't use Windows/XP that much, kids boot it off and on, because they
need it per their syllabus.

As for as fetching and, or applying updates to Linux and FreeBSD
machines are concerned I never ever lost control.

Balwinder S "bdheeman" Dheeman        Registered Linux User: #229709
Anu'z li...@home (Unix Shoppe)        Machines: #168573, 170593, 259192
Chandigarh, UT, 160062, India         Plan9, T2, Arch/Debian/FreeBSD/XP
Home: http://cto.homelinux.net/~bsd/  Visit: http://counter.li.org/

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