On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Devon H. O'Dell <devon.od...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What do people think about erik's timeframe versus potentially
> mid-January / early February / early March 2010?

Speaking personally, early March tends to be bad because of potential
overlap with children's spring breaks.
(Similarly, late October tends to be bad because it overlaps with both
my wedding anniversary and my wife's birthday -- and while she was a
good shelia and shared our honeymoon with IWP9 Madrid, I don't think I
can pull that many more favors).

I am willing to host here in Austin, TX -- we have a classroom that
seats somewhere between 50-75 that I can use, although getting
everybody through security can be a bit of a pain.  Downside is that
Austin doesn't tend to be an international hub, so its more of a pain
to get to flight wise -- doesn't seem we have any lack of volunteers
to host this year anyways, but I figured I'd put it out there for the


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